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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How To Get Girls - Here Is The Magic Recipe You Have Always Desperately Been Searching For

Women are often like puzzles and most guys have a hard time solving it. So how can one get girls when most girls out there tend to play too hard to get? You see, how to pick up girls is no big deal if you know the right steps and the tricks. The problem is that most guys do not know the true social dynamics as they have never been exposed to this concept. But this is what truly gets you girls. There are some secrets only a few men out there know and the society calls these men girl magnets. Read on to discover the true secrets of these girl magnets and achieve earth shattering results just like them.......Overcome your fear of approach- One of the best possible way to do this is to approach at least 10 girls a day on a daily basis just to ask for what time it is. You see if you go one step at a time you will develop strong skills even before you know it. The problem is that guys never practice before they start approaching women thereby fail drastically.

Don't go around throwing offers- This is a big mistake most guys make when they are trying to get the girl they desire. You see they go around and approach random girls and directly offer them to go out on a date with them. You see girls don't like such men rather they try to avoid such men as every other guy acts this way around them. This also means that you are kind of desperate and desperation is something which will push women away. Therefore make it a point to respect yourself and start a conversation without expecting any outcome.

Stop focusing on the outcome just have fun- This is the biggest secret to approaching girls and getting them. You see when you stop focusing on the outcome which is to impress her or get a date with her and only focus on having fun in the moment she would automatically find you attractive. You see when you try too hard it shows on your personality and that's a big turn off for many women

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